
Retro weekends to meet with BKV's Ikarus buses

2023-05-09 16:01:00

This weekend, fans of the iconic bus will have the chance to spend a weekend day with the vehicles that have defined public transport in Budapest for decades and which are now part of BKV's heritage fleet.
The beautifully preserved, reputable buses will appear on lines in the city where they once had a dominant presence. As with last year's farewell procession, each vehicle will be in service on the same day in each neighbourhood.
On the first retro weekend, Sunday 14 May, the legendary buses will be seen on the Rákóczi road. The old "black and red" 7s will be evoked by the Ikarus 435 on route 7 and the Ikarus 280 painted "7-173 GYORS" on route 7E, while another Ikarus 280 will be in service on route 5. In addition to the articulated specialities, there will also be two solo retro vehicles: an Ikarus 260 and an Ikarus 415 on lines 110-112. Alongside the buses, there will also be a trolleybus service. The recently withdrawn Ikarus 435 will operate on route 70.
You can follow the traffic of the retro vehicles on the BudapestGo app and on the winmenetrend.hu website. The route and the traffic numbers indicate the planned schedule for each type of service.

7E/3: IK280
5/13: IK280
7/25: IK435
110/2: IK260
110/5: IK415
70/4: IK435T

Two more retro weekends are planned for later in the year, the exact programme of which is still being planned. In scheduled traffic, expectedly, our retro services shall appear in Hűvösvölgy in summer and in the Chain Bridge area at the beginning of September.  

BKV Zrt.

5 May 2023.