
Return ticket

Valid on the Chair-lift for a return trip. The ticket is valid for one year.

Dogs and pets can be travel with full price return ticket and only in a dog carrier bag.

Ticket must be showed and handed over on the inspector"s request.

If the passengers take the return trip after the one-way journey directly they have to get out of the Chair-lift and queue up again at the starting place.

The return trip must be started in operation time; in case of failing to do that the ticket cannot be changed or returned. Ticket can be returned only in the case of technical breakdown (e.g. power cut) or other external reasons. Such external reason can be if the passenger cannot start the trip due to some natural difficulties (e.g. unsafe weather conditions). If - due to this reason - a partial refund is necessary (after having the one-way trip), we refund the price difference of the single ticket and the return ticket.

We do not replace the ticket in case of loss.